Inspire your employees and customers with spectacular locations for customized corporate events. With our various venues for all sizes, you have one of the largest location portfolios in Europe at your disposal. From unusual to classic, whether a conference, seminar, kick-off or spectacular show event: there are no limits to the possibilities for an absolutely unique event.
The inspiring and eclectic Rhine metropolis offers pure quality of life, thus creating the right setting for your corporate event.
D.LIVE’s event locations will not only have you experience an unforgettable corporate event, but also an exciting city. Düsseldorf has been one of the ten most liveable cities – worldwide – for many years! No wonder, because its infrastructure, sights and the boundless cultural and leisure offerings hold their own against any international competition. Versatile, lively and cosmopolitan: North Rhine-Westphalia’s capital is not only a shopping and lifestyle metropolis, but also a key anchor point for economy and education in Germany.
We look forward to your inquiry!
Executive Director Corporate Events